Injuries From Traffic Accidents ( Reasons And Solutions )

Injuries  from traffic accidents 

Each year, around 1.3 million people die in road accidents and between 25 and 60million people are seriously ill, many of whom are disabled as a result of their injuries. 

Injuries resulting from traffic accidents cause significant economic losses to individuals,  families and entire countries. These losses stem from the cost of treatment and loss of earnings for the person who dies or is disabled as a result of the injury and the family member who is absent from  work or school to care for the injured person. Road accidents cost  4% of GDP in most countries. Who is at risk? 

socioeconomic factors 

More than 85% of road deaths occur in low-income and low-income countries. The highest number of deaths from traffic accidents occurs in Africa, and the lowest  in Europe. Even in high-income countries, people from lower socio-economic strata are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents.


Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among children and adolescents aged 7 to 30. 


Men are more likely to be involved in a car accident than women in the early years of life. Almost three-quarters (75%) of all road accidents happen to young people under the age of 20, and the risk of dying in road accidents is  three times higher than that of women. 

risk factors 

The Safety Systems Approach: Considerations of Human Error

The safety system approach to road safety aims to ensure the safety of  transport networks for all road users. This approach takes into account human vulnerability  to serious injury from  traffic accidents and recognizes that networks must be designed to account for human error. The main pillars of this approach are roads, footpaths, speed limits and the safety of  vehicles and road users, all of which must be fixed to prevent fatal accidents and reduce accidents. 

serious injury 

the speed 

There is a direct relationship between the increase in average speed, the probability of an accident and the severity of its consequences. For example, for every 1 km/h increase in  vehicle speed, the risk of a fatal crash increases by 4% and  the risk of a serious crash increases by 4%. The risk to pedestrians relative to a car increases significantly (5 times from 45 km/h to 60 km/h). 

When a car crashes sideways into another car, the death of the occupants  is 87% at a speed of 70 km/h. 

Driving under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances 

Driving under the influence of alcohol, psychoactive substances or drugs can increase the risk of an accident resulting in death or serious injury. 

In the case of drunk driving, the risk of  a traffic accident starts at a low  blood alcohol concentration and increases dramatically when the driver's blood alcohol concentration exceeds  0.035 g/dl. 

Driving under the influence of drugs increases the risk of being involved in a traffic accident  to varying degrees, depending on the psychoactive drug used. For example, the risk of  fatal accidents among amphetamine users is approximately five times higher than among non-users.

Do not wear a motorcycle helmet, seat belt or child restraint system 

Wearing the correct helmet reduces the risk of fatal injuries by 44% and reduces the risk of head injuries by 70%. 

Seat belt use reduces the risk of death for the driver and front passengers by 41-51%, and reduces the risk of death and serious injury for front passengers by 26%. 

The use of child restraint systems can reduce deaths by up to 62%. 

Driving while distracted  

There are many different types of distractions that can make driving difficult. Road safety issues are growing due to poor concentration due to mobile phone use. Drivers who use mobile phones are  four times more likely to be involved in an accident than those who do not. Using a cell phone while driving can slow your reactions (especially when applying the brakes as well as listening to  traffic signals) and make it harder for you to keep your vehicle in the right direction and maintain the following distance. . 

Cell phones are no safer than cell phones and texting increases the risk of an accident. 

poor road infrastructure 

Road design has a significant impact on your safety. Roads must be built with the safety of all users in mind.This means ensuring  adequate facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Measures such as designated crosswalks, turning lanes, safe crossings, and other traffic calming measures are important in reducing the risk of injury to road users. 


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